AWS Classroom Series – 12/Feb/2021

AWS Cloudformation Stack Set

  • Stackset extends the functionality of stacks by enabling you to create, update or delete stacks across multiple regions and accounts in a single operation
  • Refer Here for sample templates
  • Exercise: Create a cloudformation template to create vpc with cidr range and now create a stack set to create this vpc in mumbai and oregon regions
  • Refer Here for the steps

AWS Cloudformation Macro

  • Macro enables to perform custom processing on templates

  • There are two major steps in processing tempates using macros

    • Create an AWS Lambda function to perform template processing
    • Create a resource of type AWS::CloudFormation::Macro, which enables to call the Lambda function from CF template.
    • Refer Here for sample
  • Exercise: Create a template to create an amazon ec2 linux instance and in this create a user data to install apache server

sudo yum install httpd -y
sudo systemctl enable httpd.service
sudo systemctl start httpd.service

Next Steps:

  1. Migrations: For migrations we require Azure free trail account to create simulation for on-premise environment. Refer Here
  2. We will perform
    1. Server Migration
    2. Database Migration
  3. We will look into Storage Migration.

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