Docker Logging & Docker Memory, CPU Restrictions

Viewing Docker Logs

  • Docker container logs can be viewed by using the command docker logs <container>
  • Lets experiment by executing the jenkins container
docker container run --name jenkins -d -P jenkins
  • Now execute the following command
docker container logs jenkins
  • Docker Swarm service or task logs can be viewed by using the docker service logs
  • The above two commands shows the command output redirected to STDOUT and STDERR streams
  • In some cases the logs of your application might be redirected to the file or an external databases and the above commands will not be useful.
  • Majority of the users while creating Docker Image redirect their logs to /dev/stdout. (which is a best practice)
  • However docker includes multiple logging mechanisms to get info from running services & containers. These mechanisms are referred as logging drivers.
  • Each Docker daemon has a default loggin driver, which every container uses, if the logging driver is not explicitly configured.
  • Docker give the options to extend/implement/install logging dirivers. Reference for more info.
  • For the complete list of supported logging drivers click here

Resource Constraints

  • By default, container has no resource restrictions & it can use as much of a given resource as the host’s kernel allows.
  • On Docker container memory, cpu and GPU constraints can be imposed using docker run or docker container run command

Lets start experimentation with following containers

  • In these commands we generally follow number by suffix of b,k,m,g to indicate bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes respectively.
  • Lets create a jenkins container with memory restriction of 512 MB and one without it.
docker container run --name r-mem-jenkins -P -d --memory 512m jenkins
docker container run --name jenkins -P -d jenkins
  • Execute docker stats and you should see the output as
CONTAINER ID        NAME                CPU %               MEM USAGE / LIMIT MEM %               NET I/O             BLOCK I/O           PIDS

f3ba989220d7        r-mem-jenkins       0.07%               489.8MiB / 512MiB     95.66%              4.01MB / 19.5kB     2.22MB / 23.5MB     34

6cbfdf4ca307        jenkins             0.12%               499.3MiB / 3.794GiB   12.85%              4.01MB / 23kB       0B / 23.5MB         34

## Specific Area of interest
NAME             MEM USAGE / LIMIT
r-mem-jenkins    489.8MiB / 512MiB
jenkins          499.3MiB / 3.794GiB
  • similarly the other options like

    • –memory-swap
    • –memory-swappiness
    • –memory-reservation
  • Similarly we can impose restrictions on cpu’s as well. In the following example we would create two containers, in which one container to get a guaranteed to get at the most one cpu"

docker container run --name r-memcpu-jenkins -P -d --cpus="1" --memory 512m jenkins
docker container run --name jenkins -P -d jenkins
  • Execute docker stats and observe the output
  • There are other command line options for GPU as well.
  • Execute docker container run --help to explore all the other options available for restrictions

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